Have you ever thought that the period product you are using during your periods might give rise to pains and cramps? Especially if you are a regular user of sanitary pads, then this problem will definitely sustain for a longer period of time. The reason behind this is the use of plastics in the pads; the plastics creates a barrier and restricts the flow of air. It is why women using such period products tend to suffer from unbearable pain. But there is no need to worry with the help of Washable Sanitary Pads. There are many reasons to support these very period products, and we are going to discuss each one of them here right now.
As discussed above, the sanitary pads are made up of plastics, and the problem of pain penetrates. But when it comes to sanitary pads that are washable in nature, the same problem subsides. It is because the pads are made up of 100% organic materials, and therefore, the flow of air cannot be stopped. Furthermore, the problems of rashes, allergies, and skin problems will also reach an end slowly.
The use of synthetic and organic material in Washable Sanitary Pads cut the layer of moisture all around the vagina. This is the main rationale behind gruesome pain and infection arising out of regular pads. And when the pads are used for three to four hours, these problems can be elevated. Likely with the use of cloth pads that can be washed with every use and holds super-absorbent formula, a hygienic period cycle can be experienced.
Now, The Most Exciting Part About Using These Pads
- The pads will go for six to ten hours at a stretch, and you will not be pushed to rush towards the washrooms. It will save your time, effort, and will ease you out from the uneasiness as well.
- Buying these pads will set you free for three to five years. So, save your pocket money for some makeup, bags, or adding some elements towards reaching your dream too. There are discounts and offers running over these pads in various platforms which will help you in saving more.
So, grab your purse and buy Washable Sanitary Pads right now. If you don't know where to shop these pads, then connect with HygieneAndYou. Here you will be furnished with several options, styles all under a reasonable range. Don't waste more time and connect with us.
Tags: reusable cloth pads, washable cloth pads, washable sanitary pads, washable sanitary napkins, white discharge pads india, biodegradable napkins for periods
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